Last month, I finally settled on names for the new chickens. The White Rock is called Doris and the Langshan is Linda. My father wanted Susan, but we have a good friend by that name, and I didn't want anyone to get them confused (ahem).
In May, I also started letting Doris and Linda outside, first in the tractor and then the yard to free range. And, of course, I began introducing them to our three big hens. That went... okay. But, a weekend camping trip was approaching, and I didn't want to leave the pullets in their box or in the less-secure chicken tractor for two days. So, full integration became necessary.
I felt the girls were big enough to take some minor bullying, and fast enough to escape too much nasty pecking from the hens. So, I put Doris and Linda in the big coop and then hung out for a while to make sure it didn't get too brutal in there. There was a little of the usual pecking but nothing too crazy.
I briefly considered doing that thing where you put the new girls inside the coop late at night while everyone is sleeping and then they all wake up together without realizing there are two new chickens in their flock. But I don't think my chickens are that oblivious.
Integration is going somewhat well. No one is bleeding or missing major feathers. But I would be lying if I didn't admit that Linda and Doris live with a certain amount of fear. Most of the day they are perched up high in the run, away from the three big girls. I try to let everyone out as much as possible, just to give the little ones a break.
Doris and Linda are growing up nicely, and I see them eating, so they should be fine in time. In fact, they should get just as big as their older sisters before too long.
These are excellent names for two handsome chicks! I am proud to have made their acquaintance.