At the moment, I have 3 chickens. Two of them, Betty and Janice, are 3 years old this week. And the third, Tina, a black sex-link, is 5 1/2. That's pretty old in chicken years. She's basically a grandma. But, despite her age, Tina is still going strong.
In fact, she even laid an egg last week. And the egg looked good--no bumps or weird shell formations--just smooth and pink and lovely. Now, that is an impressive feat for such an elderly chicken. Tina has always been a consistent layer. In the spring and summer, I've gotten as many as 5 eggs a week from Tina.
Unlike Betty and Janice, and her hatch-sister, Peggy, who died several years ago, Tina has always let me hold her. I particularly appreciate this trait now that I have a son who likes to pet a chicken from time to time.
As you can see from the photo above, Tina is still looking good. Her black feathers are nice and shiny, and her comb is healthy and red. What I'm trying to say is, Tina is the best hen I have ever had. She is smart and pretty and healthy and productive. Tina is a super-chicken.
So... Cheers to you, Tina. Enjoy those sunflower seeds I just put in the coop. You deserve them!
Go Tina Go!