One of my blueberry bushes has already started to put out an impressive number of flowers. They are quite pretty and delicate-looking, and they seem to be holding up well despite wild swings in temperature.
This is great to see except for the fact that the other bush hasn't even started growing spring leaves yet. Blueberry blossoms need to be cross-pollinated by a bush of a different variety in order to set fruit.
So... bummer. These flowers are just ornamental for now. I am hoping the other bush will have a burst of growth very soon, so that the two bushes will actually flower at the same time. It would be so fun to pick fresh blueberries this Spring. I just need that lazy second bush to cooperate.
All is not necessarily lost. It depends on what type you're growing. In this climate, they would pretty well have to be Rabbiteye, which does require cross pollination, or Southern Highbush, which are self-fertile. You could probably Google the cultivar name and find out which it is.