Well, I'm afraid Linda continues to live at the bottom of the pecking order. I've started calling her "Baldy," because she's still got a red featherless spot on her head where the other girls were picking at her during the worst of the bullying. It seems to have healed up okay, which is a relief, but I'm not sure if the feathers will ever fill back in. I hope so.
The new chicken pen has definitely helped with the aggression problem I was having since it allows all the hens plenty of space during the day. But, at night Linda still sleeps out on a perch in the run. Somehow, Doris, the White Rock, finally managed to get an invitation to sleep inside the coop. I'm not sure if it was bravery or some recent broodiness that caused her to sit in the nesting box for several days. Whatever it was, Doris made it into the cool group, leaving Linda all alone. Poor Baldy.
Since the climate is pretty mild in Southern California, I don't think it's that big of a deal that Linda has to sleep outdoors every night. BUT, we've recently had some raccoons lurking around. The other night Dakota even caught one hanging out right outside the coop. So, I think I may need to figure out a way to help Linda get inside at night. Do they make anti-bullying pamphlets for chickens?
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