Guess what? I actually managed to grow some potatoes in those bags. Not very many potatoes, but the above potatoes were grown and harvested last month. So, I am not a complete potato bag failure this time around.
And I still have a second bag waiting to be dug up. I suspect there will be even more tubers in that one. The stalks in bag #2 lasted longer and just wilted last week. I think the key is afternoon shade and infrequent watering.
Am still struggling with this issue myself. Hot desert environment and how much water is enough? Did also have a problem with ground termites getting into my bags. Am now trying one sitting up on a pallet. The others are in the greenhouse where it got wicket hot!!
I am waiting for my stems to wilt, but I am worried that I may not have watered them enough during this incredibly hot summer - I hope there will be potatoes there at the end and not just a bag of dirt!