Although I'm bummed about my pumpkin failure, there has been some good news in the garden recently: my artichokes have come back from the dead!
A couple of months ago, both artichoke plants withered up and disappeared. Neither one had ever gotten particularly big, but I was surprised to lose them both, especially since I had been dutifully watering them throughout the summer. I've never grown artichokes before, but I know they are perennials, so I assumed there would always be some leaves showing while the plant was alive.
Perhaps I was wrong, because, a couple of weeks ago, new leaves sprouted up from the ground where one of my two artichokes had been. Then, last week, leaves appeared at the other location. Both plants have suddenly revived themselves and started growing again.
I'm not sure if this is part of the typical growing cycle of an artichoke, or if I just got lucky and the plants decided to give me a second chance. Either way, I'm hopeful they'll keep growing this time and that we'll be eating homegrown artichokes this Spring.