I was out with Peggy and Tina this morning, watering the garden while they enjoyed their morning free range, when I heard some familiar clucking. This cluck didn't come from my hens, though, but from somewhere nearby. The noise was faint, but it sounded just like the loud morning clucks Peggy and Tina make before I let them out.
So, it appears we have some chicken-loving neighbors. This doesn't surprise me, honestly, but it's nice to get some confirmation. It also made me feel better about the noise my hens make. They can get pretty rowdy first thing in the morning, and while they don't crow like roosters, they can certainly make their presence known. I have always reassured myself that a few boisterous clucks are nothing compared to the more frequent noise of dogs barking and helicopters flying overhead. Hearing those distant clucks today just made me feel happy and calm, so hopefully that's how my neighbors feel, too. So far, we haven't had any complaints.
Speaking of like-minded neighbors, Dakota and I had a fun time at the Freedom Gardens event last Sunday. We met our blog friends from Ramshackle Solid, and chatted with many other friendly and interesting folks who are, like us, finding out how fun and empowering backyard "farming" can be. I like the idea of joining a community in Los Angeles that's really committed to living sustainably. So, I think we'll attend more of these events in the future.