We had to wander through several livestock barns and a few craft areas, but we did eventually find the poultry barn. Yes, only one barn of chickens and ducks. Can you believe it? (I guess it was a smallish fair. I'm sure the Iowa State Fair has several large barns full of chickens.) I was absurdly excited to check out the 4-H chickens. I guess I really am chicken-obsessed.
They had quite a few Aracaunas, although almost all were white, which I hadn't seen before. They had a really nice big Rhode Island Red, and some other classic breeds. There were also a lot of English Game Birds, which were so pretty and really small. They were cute but regal, I'd say. And there were lots of Silkies, including this fluffy lady. So cute!
Anyway, it was fun to see some fancy chickens in person. I wonder if I would have raised a chicken for 4-H if I'd grown up in the country. I think my future kids will probably really like our chickens. Dakota had a few chickens growing up, before he moved into town.
While at the fair, we also saw some prize-winning vegetables. Look at these zucchini! I wish I could grow squash that big.
Dakota's uncle, Tim, who lives in Des Moines, was growing some huge zucchini in his back yard. They were over a foot long and really thick. I think it's the super-rich Iowa soil, and all the rain they get. Plus, I think Tim is a pretty good gardener.
I do finally have a zucchini growing on one of my plants, though. I just hope it grows to a normal size. No blue ribbon necessary.