Here's a pic of Nigel sitting among the gift bags Rachel, Jen, Mirabai and I made for Mother's Day last May. They turned out pretty well, and I think we each made at least 15 bags, so there were over 60 for that project.
For our June Good Girls project, Rachel and I went down to the LA Food Bank for some food-sorting fun. This time we had two different assignments.
First, we were sorting through dry food donations. It was kind of depressing and frustrating, actually, because we ended up putting most of the donations on the "trash" conveyor belt rather than the "good" conveyor. This was for several reasons: (1) much of the food had expired over a year ago (2) many of the packages were damaged or open (3) some of the stuff inside the donation boxes wasn't even food. It was actually kind of shocking that people/business would "donate" such garbagy stuff. I kind of felt like they thought poor people would just eat anything, no matter how old or disgusting.
Just as Rachel and I were getting especially indignant after finding a jar of mold-covered olives in one of the boxes, we were pulled away to another part of the Food Bank. There, we were assigned to sort large bins of fresh peaches. This made me feel a bit better. Peaches are delicious and healthy, and, while there were some bad ones in the bunch, for the most part the peaches looked tasty. So, while there were slim pickin's among the dry food donations, at least the Food Bank clients would be getting some fresh, pretty peaches that week.
On our way out, Rachel and I took a last look at the South Central Farm, which is next door to the Food Bank. It hadn't been bulldozed yet, but there was no one inside. Outside, there were a handful of hippy-looking types with signs, but I believe most of the protestors have given up. What a shame.
Next up: Animal Acres on July 8. Should be a fun one.