The South Central Farm is a 14-acre piece of land in one of L.A.'s most economically depressed neighborhoods. Since 1992, this community farm has allowed residents of South Central to supplement their diets and earn extra income by selling their crops. It also serves as a precious green space in the middle of an industrial landscape.
Unfortunately, as part of a legal proceeding, the city sold the land to a local developer, and he plans to bulldoze the farm to put up a warehouse. The developer offered to sell the land to the farmers, asking $16.3 million for it, but they were only able to raise $6 million. This week, an eviction notice was served.
It's possible that it's too late, but I am sending emails to Mayor Villaraigosa and members of the city council asking them to do all they can to save the farm. As I write this, farmers, environmental activists and various Hollywood types are down at the farm staging press conferences and tree sit-ins to keep the destruction from happening. If you read this blog and live in L.A., consider sending some emails or donating to the farmer's fund.
Mayor Villaraigosa's email is:
For more info, email addresses to send letters to and a way to donate money, check out the South Central Farm website.
Here's the letter I wrote to Mayor Villaraigosa if you need some inspiration:
Dear Mayor Villaraigosa,
I am writing at the final hour to ask you to please do everything you can to prevent the destruction of the South Central Farm. The farm is an important resource and a historic landmark, and, as Los Angeles citizens, we should protect it.
Los Angeles should be proud of the farm and the people who grow food there. The South Central Farm is a positive symbol in an area of town often stereotyped as crime-ridden and desolate. As someone who voted for you and who believes in your desire to make L.A. a better place to live, I ask you to hear my request.
Stop the destruction of the South Central Farm.
Thank you,
My Name
My Address & Zip Code