Baby hats are both fun and fast knitting projects, so I'm glad I found a way to work on my skills while helping others. So far I've tried out 3 different patterns. First, the simple cap from my Stitch 'n' Bitch book. It's all in stockinette stitch, so you can knit it without really thinking. Here's a pic:
Next I made a hat with ear flaps, which I figured would be good to keep the babies toasty. It came out pretty well, although it was tough to attach the flaps to the main part of the hat. After that, though, it was a very simple knit as well.
My third hat has diagonal ribbing, which is more difficult and takes some concentration, but is also more fun that knitting a simpler hat. One of my favorite things about knitting is how a cool pattern can come out of the simple combination of knitting and purling. I don't have any pics of the third hat, but I will take some once it's finished.
I hope to get at least 5 hats complete by April 21st, so that I can send them off to afghans for Afghans with some time to spare. I think that should be fairly easy to accomplish, so maybe I will make more than 5. Not sure about socks, though, they are much more difficult.